Because it’s Your Photo

Over the past a couple of days I have been asked the same question: “what are you gonna do after graduation?” And as much as I want to punch right in the face the next person that asks me that question…figuratively of course :)… I can’t help but think and wonder what would I actually be doing with my life.

One of the things I have thought of is, what would be the best thing I could do if money wasn’t an object or I was just offered the opportunity of a lifetime? And my answer tends to be the same lately: TRAVEL.


I want to travel the world, see everything imaginable, and take 1000s and 1000s of photographs of everything I see. I would love to work for say National Geographic and just get paid to photograph a cultural event in Taiwan, or the beautiful scenery in Iceland… the list just goes on and on and even though it is one of my wildest dreams I still like to think that it is realistic. I mean you never know where life is going to take you, and honestly I would like it to take to different places around the world.

Why would I want to photograph all these different places, isn’t the experience about simply being there and seeing and observing?

Well, it comes with the photographer in me, but it is more than that. Think about the places you have travelled to, let’s say you went to Paris and you visited the Eiffel Tower, and you took a picture. Why would you do that? There are a million pictures of this monument pretty much everywhere, you know what it looks like, and you were there… so why take your own photo even with an iphone? This is one of the most interesting facts about the art of photography; it commands a certain amount of responsability, ownership, and pride. Taking your own photograph enhances your experience of your travel site by taking an actual record for future reference. That photo that you took of the same old Eiffel Tower has more value to you, or is at least seen a better light simply due to the fact that you took it. That photo now holds your memories, the time of day, who you were with or around, all circumstances you took note of when you took the photo are now embedded in the picture itself.

I think that is fascinating, which gets me more excited to go out into the world and take my own photos of all the breathtaking places the world has to offer. There are so many unbelievable places in the world that you just have to see them for yourself…

7c4c9737-dca5-4822-945a-b640bea89091_medium     Turkey

86847678-ecbf-4c66-9978-f2945a6629dd_medium     New Zeland

8e519698-c0bc-4077-a659-563344395c96_medium     Australia

4ccb7097-d559-4008-9f34-ef8c239d4154_medium     Madagascar

Check out some more breathtaking places here –> One day, I’m going to be at those places, and even discover some of my own, and you bet I’ll have my camera with me!

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