Photo Inspiration

So this week I thought I would post something a bit different. I just wanted to share some beautiful photographs I have come across for the past couple of days. Why am I doing this? Well… spring break is coming and I am so excited to be traveling to a beautiful island with my best friend. So I have been looking through photographs to gain some inspiration and ideas for what to shoot or what to look for when I go to a new place that is so different from where I live.

So I started with wildlife and I came across this article showing motherhood among animals… I just thought it was beautiful, and amazingly captured. I hope I can take some beautiful wildlife shots where I am just there at the right moment to snap that cute animal close to me. Read the article here:

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Or just a funny photo… it’s crazy what animals do right?


So what’s next… People!!! People are so interesting, it is just great to travel to an exotic place because there is an entirely different culture, with different customs and traditions. It is just fascinating to think about who will I meet when I’m there…

What inspired me to think about this was this photographer’s project where he captures portraits of people ages 1 to 100 and asks them about their dreams, wishes, or anything fun they would like to tell him. I just thought it was an amazing project to take on, and he executed it so well and managed to capture each and everyone’s personalities in one shot! Keen Heick-Abildhauge photos can be found here:


So I guess I will just leave you with the message of take photographs that inspire you, and it doesn’t have to be anything deep, just something that makes you happy…


Be Creative, Be Playful, Be Imaginative, Be Daring


  1. Jeff LaCoste · March 6, 2015

    These are some really neat pictures. They are very unique and show the beauty in nature and personality around the world. Have fun traveling over break with your friends.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. jenburtonhpu · April 7, 2015

    What a cool way to draw inspiration before a big photography trip!


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