Finding Your Photo Buddy

I came across this short animated film a few days ago and thought it told a great story. Check it out here:

The short feature tells the story of a photographer out on a photoshoot by the park when he runs into another photographer trying to capture the same thing at that park. I just loved how they bonded over their photo-taking passion and no words needed to be said.


It’s just like a fantasy… wouldn’t it be great if that could happen? I know several times I am out on a photoshoot and it would be great to have some company, but not any company, not any friend, somebody that understands photography and is trying to capture different shots simply because they are passionate about it. I know some of my favorite times have been when my photography class goes out on a field trip to take photos. It’s just great because we are all trying to see the world through the camera lens, we can laugh about how a photo is not working, give pointers, find something we hadn’t noticed on our own… Everyone needs a camera buddy, I can only bother my friends to come with me and/or model for me so much 🙂

Pretty sure they all hate me already for taking so many pictures of them or for causing us to be late because I had to stop to take photos of everything!!!


I hope I find one one day, even if it is just for the day or as long as the photoshoot lasts. That’s sometimes all you really need, the company of a stranger who at the end of the day becomes a close friend simply because you both share a passion for something. So I’ll leave you guys with this: be open to the people around you, to the people with cameras out in the world, maybe they’ll surprise you… who knows…

IMPORTANT NOTE: people out with phones or ipads or that look like tourists do not qualify for the photo buddy position 🙂



  1. sldonohue · April 2, 2015

    This is such a cute short film! I dont know much about photography but this is somewhat true for anything you like to do. It’s so nice to have someone outside of your usual friend group that is there to understand and share a passion with you.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. jenburtonhpu · April 7, 2015

    This is so true. I guess I always took it for granted, but when you work with a team of journalists – you kind of have a photography buddy/mentor built into your job. But the people I was around were always an important part of the experience.


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