Keep on Learning

As the end of the year approaches, I have been reflecting on the different things I have learned through my photography class. One of them is that you never stop learning, granted, I still consider myself a photographer in training, so technically I’m not even out of the learning and training phase. However there are so many things I know I have yet to learn, things that I already know and understood fairly quickly, and then there things that I have been doing wrong or things that I didn’t know about. All of this information would have been so helpful had it came at an earlier time, but I believe it came now for a reason.

So let’s get to it…

I learned that I have been holding my camera wrong this entire time



Tip #1: Hold your camera lens from the bottom not the top, it will provide so much more stability and greater support from the main camera frame. Also, it could disrupt the flash when trying to use it since your hand is on the way 🙂

I learned that sometimes centering a subject is not always boring

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Tip #2: Place the dominant eye in the center of the photograph for a more captivating and personal portrait shot

I learned that I look funny and will climb into the weirdest positions during a photoshoot


This is my little side step I apparently do while trying to stabilize myself as I try to get the camera to stay in the same place

Tip #3: Don’t be afraid of moving around, climbing, extending, laying on the floor, never mind what people would think of you while you are laying on the floor and looking through a bush trying to find a hole… been there

If you are looking for more basic tips on photography check out this little infographic with gifs–>$+:bgYCOBDE/

Another way I keep on learning is by finishing out how other people use photography. It’s actually very inspiring, innovative, and creative the way certain people use it and make the medium their own.

Check out this person who decided to make Van Gogh’s paintings look like photographs with a bit of photoshop editing and photo tilt –>

tilt-shift-van-gogh-mountains-at-saint-remy-detail                     tilt-shift-van-gogh-starry-night-detail

What about French photographer and illustrator Thomas Lamadieu who takes photos from within courtyards, and fills the sky with imaginative and fun illustrations. For him is all about perspective, and finsding that right courtyard and set of tall buildings, it’s just amazing!

emgn-sky-illustrations-7          emgn-sky-illustrations-15emgn-sky-illustrations-5          emgn-sky-illustrations-17

Or what about the mom who became instagram famous due to her food creations so her daughter would eat everything on her plate? –>

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These are just beautiful pieces of art as well as incredible food photography! Hence why she now has so many followers on instagram. What are some of your photo experiences/lessons while on a shoot? Do you use photos in a creative or innovative way?

One comment

  1. kathrynhalliburton · April 16, 2015

    I agree we never stop learning and it is always good to bring in new knowledge and information to help us grow! It’s great you are fixing your craft and trying to improve. I’m not much of a photographer but I think it could be something to look into! Great post!


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